
Video: GOP Embraces Misogynistic Extremism

blueraven8/05/2010 10:19:22 pm PDT

re: #183 Dark_Falcon

And everyone please do note that no one in my extended family voted for Brady in the primary (I myself voted for Andy McKenna). But the non-socon GOP vote split among three candidates while the socons rallied around Brady. He won a close primary. After it was over, my best friend and I examined the situation and found that even though we don’t agree with Brady’s social positions his honesty, the fact that he’d rather cut spending and waste than raise taxes, and the fact that he’s not in thrall to the Machine makes him a the better choice for Illinois.

What spending is he gonna cut? Just be sure he wont increase spending on dumbass things like making every woman have an ultrasound before an abortion.
Or, sign an executive order like our Gov Perry did, requiring every school age girl from age 9 and up to take a vaccine for STDs. Luckily he he was shot down by the state legislature on that one.