
And Now, The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/09/2010 6:10:55 pm PST

re: #281 Alouette

Who was the last U.S. President to be pro-Israel? I’d say Nixon. Maybe Reagan.

Reagan was opposed to us hitting the Osirak reactor in Iraq.

I think the last truly pro Israel president was Truman. Eisenhower stopped us and the British and the French from taking the Suez. It would have been a whole different ME had he not intervened like that.

Kennedy was something of a friend but was too cought up in other things to really impact Israel I think save as supplying tacit support.

Johnson and Nixon were friends of Israel in as much as there was a chess game against the Russians who were backing the Arabs. Nixon prevented us from knocking out the Egyptian army in the Yom Kippur war.

Ford had other issues. Carter - well the less said about that mamzer the better.

Reagan and Bush sr. I covered.

Clinton was surprisingly pro - Israel.

Bush jr. Was a bigger friend to Israel than Olmert was. I will give him that, but he was also as deep into the oil patch as it gets.