
When Lying Right Wing Hacks Attack (or, Patterico the Idiot)

Buck1/21/2011 1:16:24 pm PST

re: #286 Talking Point Detective

Now you’ve given three defenses: (1) what he said in response to being asked directly about the racist comment proves the he wasn’t saying it was a joke (it doesn’t), (2) what he said later on proves that he wasn’t saying it was a joke (it doesn’t), (3) what he said months ago proves that he didn’t say this week that it was a joke (it doesn’t).

I don’t understand ANY of that. I don’t recognize ANY of that as what I have been saying.

Let me summarize ONE MORE TIME:

IN THE TODAY SHOW INTERVIEW Beck did not say that calling the President was a joke. He specifically says that the comment about the President was something he apologizes for.

ANYONE WHO WATCHES the interview should see that clearly. He does NOT regret jokes, but does apologize for the comment he made (and the interviewer refers to).