
Heritage Immigration Study Co-Author Penned Articles for White Nationalist Website

Sir John Barron5/09/2013 1:32:58 pm PDT

“It’s a belief that you are part of an extended family,” he said. “You believe that you are part of something bigger than yourself, it’s an extended family, and you want to pursue the future health of this extended family. That is nationalism properly defined.”

He added: “Race is real. Race has consequences in the real world. Loving your race is healthy and normal. So if that is the definition of racism—which I would think of as nationalism, or you could say racialism—then yes, that is what I believe,” he said. “I think white people should love their history and love their ancestors. Operating on some kind of infantile, abstract notion of human equality is actually a very unusual and unhealthy way to view the world.”

So, lemme see if I got this straight…

Being a part of something bigger than myself, a member of an extended family is super great awesomesauce, but the notion of human equality is “unhealthy”?