
US Lawmakers Seek Deep Cuts to NASA Climate Research

darthstar6/19/2013 8:50:14 pm PDT

Back on topic for a second (I didn’t play in the open thread, obviously)…on Maddow’s show tonight she said that TransCanada (the corporation wanting the KeystoneXL pipeline to pump poison through the heartland, and not a sexual sub-culture, though it would be a good name for one when you think about it…what else are Canadian transgender people going to call themselves? In-n-OutUits?) isn’t planning on using state of the art spill detection, as it wouldn’t be economically feasible…(sorry about the previous parenthetical…I seem to have digressed somewhat, but that happens sometimes when one is rambling on about a subject, even in the early stages of addressing it…for further examples, please see any prepared remarks as presented by Sarah Palin).

Can you believe that shit? Fuckin’ oil companies.