
McCain Gently Warns House GOP: We're Doomed if You Screw Up Immigration Reform

majii6/27/2013 4:08:30 pm PDT

I have zero sympathy for the predicament the GOP now finds itself in in regard to immigration reform. The leaders never took steps to silence the nativists in the party, gave them free reign to say anything they wanted to about undocumented Hispanic immigrants, and in some cases, took part in the demonization of them. Now that the members in the House need to move on immigration reform, many of them are stuck, held hostage by the TPers who voted for them and who don’t want immigration reform. The upcoming vote, if there is one, will reveal whether the GOPers’ loyalty is to their party’s future or their desire to keep their seats in Congress. If Boehner uses the Hastert “Rule” to try to pass a more punitive form of immigration reform, I predict that immigration reform will die in the House, as did the farm bill.