
Brandeis Cancels Plan to Give Honorary Degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Critic of Islam

lawhawk4/09/2014 10:25:12 am PDT

You do not have a right to get an honorary degree. Brandeis reconsidered the invitation after looking at the totality of her record, experiences, and statements, and found her to be inappropriate.

Universities consider it important to make a distinction between inviting a speaker who may air unpopular or provocative views that the institution does not endorse, and awarding an honorary degree, which is more akin to affirming the body of a recipient’s work.

It’s rather sad that she’s fallen in with the extremist crowd of Islamophobes and Muslim-haters. As Charles Randall notes, her experience definitely shaped her outlook, but the positions she now takes ignore that many more Muslims struggle to do the right thing for them, their communities and society at large.

By falling in with the anti-Muslim extremists, she’s actually joining up with groups that are mirror images of those she fled.