
Why Do Mirrors Flip Horizontally (But Not Vertically)?

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN2/17/2015 12:12:15 pm PST

I had posted a comment on the Slate piece that it ‘snot the mirror that flips the image, but believe it or not, you have to flip the photograph! If I hold up my photo so you can see it and me, the right hands are on the same side. But if I want to look at my photo, I have to FLIP it and consequently my right hand opposes my left. Basically when you see a mirror image you are looking at the back of the image that somebody in front of you sees, like looking through a bar window from the inside with a neon sign hanging in it. You see the same exact thing as somebody on the other side of the window, The Bud is on one side, the weis is in the middle and the er is on the other. It is just that the letters look normal from the one side and backwards from the other.