
And Now, the Greatest Living Acoustic Guitarist: Tommy Emmanuel, "Fuel"

lawhawk3/06/2020 5:18:50 pm PST

2 attendees to AIPAC in DC this week have tested positive. Israel was putting attendees in quarantine, but there were 18-20k people in DC for this conference.

2/3 of Congress was in attendance. Members of my congregation were supposed to be there. There were people from all over the country in attendance. They flew there and back. They ate and attended a wide range of venues. They lobbied all across DC.

It’s only a matter of time before we learn of a lot more cases.

Separately, this morning we learned a local yeshiva was closed for sanitizing due to potential exposures. Now this.

The cases are closing in, and it’s just a matter of time.

Elsewhere, SXSW cancelled due to the outbreak, and instead of considering shutting down public events to try and contain the disease, Trump’s busy claiming everyone can go about their business and not worry about the disease - a recipe for massive expansion of the disease through the population.

What’s worse than Trump? A CDC and public health officials who defer to Trump’s dumbfuckery instead of calling him on it. They have corrupted the CDC and put Trump’s ambitions above all else. They don’t care that they’re burning it all down to save the most corrupt admin in our history.