
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Sliders and a Pfizer

EPR-radar5/04/2021 3:19:58 pm PDT

From downstairs, regarding the “keeping an open mind” version of both-siderism:

The thing is that after spending enough time gathering and weighing evidence, it is judgement time. And my conclusion for Republicans is this:

1) The Republican party is utterly worthless. It has no fixed principles other than lower taxes on the rich and less business regulations, both of which are beyond superfluous in the kind of corporate dominated plutocracy the US currently is.

2) Realizing that getting votes for their real agenda is difficult, Republicans have embarked on a decades-long propaganda campaign to transform the party into moral monsters, where sociopaths at the top lead the seething resentful masses of the GOP base via the most perfect propaganda operation in history.

3) Trump is properly understood as the inevitable consequence of the GOP’s ongoing degeneration into a reactionary fascist death cult.