
Colbert: No, Kamala Harris Is Not Headed to the Supreme Court; Ron Johnson Gets Tough on America's Babies

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈1/28/2022 11:13:30 am PST

Beautiful, but really, really dumb.

Nearly two years after Evangeline Lilly caused an uproar after revealing — at the onset of the Covid-19 outbreak — that she refused to self-quarantine, the Lost actress is once again facing a backlash after attending Robert F. Kennedy’s anti-vaccination march this past weekend in Washington, D.C.

Yup, the same march at which RFK called vaccine mandates “a coup d’etat to democracy” and likened vaccine passports to slavery — with a reference to Hitler and Anne Frank for good measure.

In an Instagram post-Thursday, the Canada-born Lilly revealed that she went to the event to “support bodily sovereignty” as well as in solidarity with the convoy of Canadian truckers driving toward Ottawa in protest of that country’s vaccine mandate.

“I believe nobody should ever be forced to inject their body with anything, against their will, under threat of: violent attack, arrest or detention without trial, loss of employment, homelessness, starvation, loss of education. alienation from loved ones, ex-communication from society, under any threat whatsoever,” the actress wrote in the caption alongside a photo of an RFK Jr. march attendee with a sign that says “Vaxxed Democrat for Medical Freedom.”

Evangeline Lilly Joined RFK Jr.’s Insane Anti-Vax Rally — and Bragged About It (Rolling Stone)

I guess we won’t be seeing The Wasp in Marvel films after the next one that she’s already contracted for.