
Turkish Journalist Who Took Cropped Photos Tied to IHH

wrenchwench6/09/2010 4:27:10 pm PDT

I found Harun Yahya quoting an article by Ozkose, but failed to find more connection there. Scroll down to box number 156.

Let us now forget the Israelis and consider what our Arab brothers think about the rapprochement between Turkey and Syria…
Adem Ozkose, who puts his fingers of the pulse of the Islamic community with his interviews in Gercek Hayat magazine, spoke this week with the famous writer Ayman Khalid from Kuds al-Arabi, one of the Arab world’s most prestigious newspapers.

A passage from the interview:

OZKOSE- Certain Turkish activists and writers have said that the border between Turkey and Syria should be lifted and that such a move will constitute the kernel of an Islamic Union. What does the Arab world think of that idea?

KHALID- We support the idea with all our hearts. The statesmen who make this idea a reality will go down in history. There are in any case no borders in the minds of the Turkish and Syrian peoples.


(Gercek Hayat, 24-30 April 2009)