
David Duke Explains: The 'Jewish-Inspired' Sexual Revolution Destroys American Values

iceweasel11/19/2010 7:51:42 am PST

re: #1 LudwigVanQuixote

Not that anyone here would be fooled by Duke, but there is no such quote in the Talmud.

Of course not. I was going to say something about Duke’s ‘sources’ being copies of Der Sturmer.

How old is that particular libel? Jewish men as seducers/destroyers of the flower of our wimmen? Do you know its origins? I know Streicher had this whole pornographic fixation down to a science but I don’t know how old it is or when or where it originated. It must be older than that, surely?

(Seems to me that it’s a natural fixation for white supremacists to have as well— similar libels were and are circulated about black men esp in post civil war south to justify the KKK, etc. It seems like a narrative template that is ready and waiting to be filled in; I’m wondering why that is.)