
Facebook adds new feature that exposes personal info and then takes it away: time to check your settings

otoc1/18/2011 3:41:17 am PST

Appreciate the response. I wasn’t sure at the time of my post.

Yes, FB settings are on the same level as all the SEC and investment news for the company of late. Even googling the email settings only brought a lot of static on the general issue of privacy. It seems I overlooked those particular settings over time if you found a different result. Again, my thanks.

I had a little more time to check and found a link that showed the general email setting has been around since 2009 or earlier. Since then many changes to the privacy setting format have been made. So whoops on my part, but that last rant did feel good.

The “things I share” change hit last April (with a lot of negative press) and changes were announced in October in relation to a Groups feature.

This is one product that requires an electronic user guide with FB emailing users of any change as they occur.

To that note, the original point of my post, the issue of sharing contact information vis FB apps has been put on hold as of 2:25AM this morning according to the developer blog…

Improvements to Permissions for Address and Mobile Number

On Friday, we expanded the information you are able to share with external websites and applications to include your address and mobile number. With this change, you could, for example, easily share your address and mobile phone with a shopping site to streamline the checkout process, or sign up for up-to-the-minute alerts on special deals directly to your mobile phone.

As with the other information you share through our permissions process, you need to explicitly choose to share this data before any application or website can access it, and you can not share your friends’ address or mobile number with applications. Also, like other data you make available to third party apps and websites, you can always clearly see and control the ways your information is being used in the Application Dashboard.

Over the weekend, we got some useful feedback that we could make people more clearly aware of when they are granting access to this data. We agree, and we are making changes to help ensure you only share this information when you intend to do so. We’ll be working to launch these updates as soon as possible, and will be temporarily disabling this feature until those changes are ready. We look forward to re-enabling this improved feature in the next few weeks.