
Soros Scapegoats Israel for Egyptian upheaval

sliv_the_eli2/15/2011 9:44:16 am PST

re: #2 Obdicut

Weird lack of any in-context quotes from Soros.

If you follow the link from the CAMERA piece to Soros’ WaPost op-ed you will find the in-context quotes from Soros. For your convenience, I have pulled out the paragraph containing Soros’ idiocy about how Israel and American Jews are supposedly the stumbling block in the way of President Obama “doing the right thing”:

“The main stumbling block is Israel. In reality, Israel has as much to gain from the spread of democracy in the Middle East as the United States has. But Israel is unlikely to recognize its own best interests because the change is too sudden and carries too many risks. And some U.S. supporters of Israel are more rigid and ideological than Israelis themselves. Fortunately, Obama is not beholden to the religious right, which has carried on a veritable vendetta against him. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is no longer monolithic or the sole representative of the Jewish community. The main danger is that the Obama administration will not adjust its policies quickly enough to the suddenly changed reality.”