
Terror Attack in Jerusalem

lawhawk3/23/2011 10:35:59 am PDT

The Israelis are pretty good at sniffing out people who are acting out of the ordinary and thwarting suicide bombing attacks. That leaves the terrorists with kassam/mortar attacks, or leaving bombs along the side of the road (IEDs).

Moreover, I think the terror groups may be starting to realize that if they want to continue a war, they’ve got to have people who can not just blow themselves up, but who can carry out multiple operations - meaning that terror attacks like kassams, mortars, or dropping bombs by the side of the road may not result in the mass casualties of a suicide bomber, but you can have more of them.

It improves operational security and enables them to carry out more attacks. So, will it could mean that the terror groups scraped the dregs and lack additional suicide bomber candidates, I think the terrorists found an easier way to kill Israelis without putting themselves at risk - allowing them to carry out more attacks.