
Pamela Geller's Anti-Muslim Circus in Full Nuclear Meltdown

shutdown7/01/2011 11:54:16 am PDT

There is a disconnect in the vehemence and passion with which Geller defends the EDL’s “soul”. Why is this so important to her? WHy does she think the average reader of her blog cares about English nationalism, no matter how pure and benign? She needs to be forced, again and openly and in all clarity, to declare that her support for the EDL stems form a prototypically racist position, anti-Islamic sentiment. Once she has to give voice to this fact, he will have to acknowledge that racism is, in fact, a core value and touchstone of the EDL’s mission. And where there is room for one racist sentiment, there is always room for more; especially when the root of the racism is jingoism and xenophobia.