
'Christian Rights Activist' says gay employees are bad hires because of health risks

What, me worry?7/06/2011 5:42:16 pm PDT

Leaving aside the bigotry for the moment, his facts are just wrong. Approximately 1 in 3 people who are HIV positive are straight.

Heterosexuals and Injection Drug Users: Heterosexuals and injection drug users also continue to be affected by HIV.
- Individuals infected through heterosexual contact account for 31% of annual new HIV infections and 28% of people living with HIV.
- As a group, women account for 27% of annual new HIV infections and 25% of those living with HIV.
- Injection drug users represent 12% of annual new HIV infections and 19% of those living with HIV.

The rates are highest for homosexual men, but they almost equal the rates among straight black men and women together.

PDF File:

The high rates within the black community are because of lack of healthcare and education in poor communities.