
Growing up: Leaving behind naive glibertarianism

Interesting Times9/17/2011 11:19:50 am PDT

Beautifully done. In terms of pure style, you have a talent for writing long things that don’t feel long at all.

In terms of content, I can identify with a lot of what you wrote as I went through a somewhat similar phase after reading Rand (in my case, only The Fountainhead). What she (and other right-wing extremist thought) is very good at doing is stoking the flames of smug superiority, the “I deserve it, damnit” mentality and “I’d have it all if it weren’t for the [fill in scapegoat of choice] holding me back!” And in true projectionist style, they’ll accuse their ideological critics of harboring this sense of entitlement.

Perhaps this is why we see the modern marriage-made-in-hell between the Randian Right and the Religious Right. They both see themselves as the naturally superior “chosen ones”, who’ll get everything they feel entitled to by abusing, suppressing, and exploiting “the other”.

Bonus cartoon: 24 types of libertarian