
Video: Saudi Princess Pushes For Women's Rights

researchok9/28/2011 10:58:15 am PDT

re: #1 000G

Heh. The royalty explains what the people want. Typical aristocratic hubris. The wife of News Corp. co-owner Al-Waleed bin Talal is another one of the many members of the House of Saud trying to feather their own nest before the coming revolution. They know it will eventually come and topple their little theocratic monstrosity and figure it might be better to sell snake-oil than to run scared. But when and how it’s all going to go down for real nobody knows, so they are all hedging their bets.

Your points are well taken. Clearly, the mucku mucks are in it only because it serves their interests.

That said, you can’t put genie back inb the bottle. Average women with access to to information and the outside world are not repudiating Islam (as some men might say). They just want equal rights.

When the average woman in any society says, ‘This is worth fighting for’, change is inevitable.