
Michael Steele Weighs In On Rick Perry's N-Word Ranch

makeitstop10/03/2011 1:18:19 pm PDT

Charles - You may not have seen it, but Cain has backed off his criticism of Perry after getting roasted for even bringing it up.

“All I said was the mere fact that that word was there was ‘insensitive.’” Cain told reporters outside his meeting with Donald Trump Monday. “That’s not playing the race card. I am not attacking Gov. Perry. Some people in the media want to attack him. I’m done with that issue!”

“I really don’t care about that word,” Cain said. “They painted over it. End of story! I accept Gov. Perry’s response on that.”

This is the modern Republican Party. If your opinions veer even slightly from the Groupthink, they will hammer you until you back down.