
At Pat Robertson's Site, Herman Cain Pulls Out An Even More Extreme Abortion Position

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/23/2011 11:26:08 am PDT

Repost, but related. Some serious questions.

There are certain categories of people I simply do not understand. I can’t understand them no matter how hard I try. I am not trying to be snarky in this post actually. I am genuinely befuddled.

Woman Republicans Do these women really think that the core of the white male power structure is going to help them as they push for reducing the ability of working mothers to have maternity benefits, maternity leave, reduced or eliminated access to birth control and would rather see women die than have a medically necessary abortion? How can mothers like to see education destroyed in this nation? How can mothers come out against the first lady telling kids to eat more vegetables?

I don’t get it.

Black Republicans How can any black person who isn’t utterly self hating, or at least full of contempt for other black people, be part of a party that paints black people as the enemies of America, a seething pool of communists, anarchists, Muslim extremists and scary new black panthers? How can any black person who isn’t utterly self hating, or at least full of contempt for other black people, deny the terrible history of racism and slavery in this nation to the extent that they pretend that black people are playing on a level playing field, and then pretend it is all the fault of the black community that they do not have economic opportunity or are part of a system that requires great fortune or deeply uncommon human ability to overcome?

Gay Republicans Yeah… they disapprove of their own lifestyle? Sorry. Those ones I guess I do understand, they are simply stupid and have deluded themselves into thinking that they are somehow immune to what their party wants for them.

Orthodox Jewish Republicans Newsflash you pious hypocrites, Torah says you need to be kind to the poor. It is one of the few commandments that even explains why there will always be poor and what our duty is… And while we are at it, do you really think that people who want us in our own homeland, so that we can bring about their demented apocalypse and then convert or burn in hell are our friends? In what universe? I try to understand these ones, but they are so far from Torah and so hypocritical and stupid, that my Jewish pride is hurt by thinking about them too much.

Leftists who Hate Israel Yeah great, bash the one non- theocracy or brutal dictatorship or brutal military junta in the region. Bash the one government that is generally favourable to socialist ideas, gives rights to women and asylum to gay people (as in gay Arabs who would be murdered in their own nations) is pro education, strongly environmentalist and gives equal protection under the law to all of its citizens.

For all of these groups… I can only wonder, do they just not read? What makes them so utterly delusional and willing to act against their own beliefs and best interests?