
Touching A Nerve -- Palestinian Origins

EiMitch12/22/2011 10:09:10 pm PST

re: #2 Buck

Not 100 percent true, but true to a point. Yes, Palestinian nationalism is a recent invention. But when the state of Israel was first recognized by the UN, Israeli nationalism was a relatively recent invention at the time.

Age isn’t as important to nationalism as many presume.

But there are people on both sides who feel they have to exaggerate to make their case. The notorious book “From Time Immemorial” was propaganda that exaggerated Israel’s claim to the land. Whereas the Palestinian’s exaggerations to their legitimacy are ubiquitous in conversations on the subject.

Everyone would be better off if these misconceptions were cleared-up. But take a look at local wingnuts and ask yourself how kindly they take to having any of their dogma challenged. That is what the mainstream media fears about the subject of Palestinian nationalism’s origins.