
Plantation America

Dark_Falcon6/30/2012 6:32:02 pm PDT

I’m going to use two paragraphs of this vile screed to show just how dishonest and hateful it is. All bolding is mine:

From its origins in the fever swamps of the lowland south, the worldview of the old Southern aristocracy can now be found nationwide. Buttressed by the arguments of Ayn Rand — who updated the ancient slaveholder ethic for the modern age — it has been exported to every corner of the culture, infected most of our other elite communities and killed off all but the very last vestiges of noblesse oblige.

Ayn Rand’s Objectivism is a very wrong-headed philosophy, but it takes an utterly dishonest reading of her to say that she “updated the ancient slaveholder ethic for the modern age”. If anything, her biggest heroes in The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged in no way express the idea that their success should be attributed to anything but their own ability, unlike the aristocrats of the Old South. Nothing in either book can be read as Rand’s support of hereditary aristocracy. Thus it may be safely said that this paragraph cannot stand because part of its argument is an outright lie.

It’s not an overstatement to say that we’re now living in Plantation America. As Lind points out: to the horror of his Yankee father, George W. Bush proceeded to run the country exactly like Woodard’s description of a Barbadian slavelord. And Barack Obama has done almost nothing to roll this victory back. We’re now living in an America where rampant inequality is accepted, and even celebrated.

To say that George W. Bush, a modest-self effacing man who has never in his political career indulged in naked self-aggrandizement, acted as a “slavelord” while he was president can only be the product of a severe case of Bush Derangement Syndrome. George W. Bush is far more the product of the ‘Yankee’ mentality than any ideals from the South.

Torture and extrajudicial killing have been reinstated, with no due process required.

One might concede the point on torture, but people who scream about “extrajudicial killing” fail to offer a viable alternative. We cannot simply defend ourselves against organized terrorism, we have to hit back and must do so effectively. Ms. Robinson should propose an alternative way to kill or cature terrorist leaders, until then she’s just whining.