
Netanyahu involved, supported Romney visit to Israel on Tisha B'Av

Bob Levin7/14/2012 6:34:30 pm PDT

I think the problem is the way that it was reported. The perspective was that Romney wanted to have a dinner/fundraiser on Tisha B’Av, implying that Romney was unaware of Tisha B’Av.

It now looks like Romney wanted to make a significant statement about his support for Israel. Netenyahu may have suggested that he come to Israel and engage in the appropriate activities on Tisha B’Av, and Romney agreed.

What’s Netenyahu going to say—no, you can’t come to Israel? The Israeli position on US elections is that both candidates could possibly win, and therefore treat both candidates accordingly.

If President Obama wanted to go to Israel and acknowledge Tisha B’Av, the same thing would have occurred.