
Benghazi: What Really Matters

researchok11/02/2012 12:42:29 am PDT

I don’t/can’t offer up any kind of opinion here simply because I just don’t believe we have all the information and I don’t believe any of it will be forthcoming soon.

Events unfolded at light speed and everyone has a reason to cover their own asses.

It is clear things got out of hand quickly. Beyond that, we just don’t know.

My gut tells me this may have been a case of left hands, right hands and some 22k a year clear clerk who wasn’t doing what he or she ought to have been doing.

For now however, I do not believe we know.

And that uncertainty feeds every political agenda there is.

It would be nice to have an independent commission, a la Bowles-Simpson to look into this to find out what really happened and more importantly, to make sure it doesn’t happen again.