
Pres. Obama : 'a majority of Americans agree with my approach.' Time to fairly tax the rich

Cap'n Magic11/10/2012 12:31:47 pm PST

re: #2 EiMitch

Sadly, the GOP used the 2010 midterms to gerrymander their districts to protect their turf, and they did hold onto to House. Now the GOP has to cough up a budget that Obama will sign. The onus is on them, otherwise sequestration hits and makes the upcoming recession even worse. Obama doesn’t have to run again, so its all on the GOP members in the house to either get sane and tell Norquist to take a hike or continue their fealty to Norquist and tank the country.

Norquist is on record for wanting to shrink government and drown it in a bathtub. Seems the GOP is willing to assist him in his endeavour.