
Gizmodo: Corrupt Apple store employees 'smash iPods like toys, trade electronics for plastic surgery and outright steal'

Romantic Heretic12/22/2012 6:28:31 am PST

Saw that yesterday. My impression is that the writer is looking for a gig at The Ministry of Truth, sorry, Fox News.

It took a few incidents, not to be unexpected in an organization as large as Apple, and conflated it into “The whole fucking company is corrupt! Evil! Evil!”

I can’t say I find that surprising. A huge section of the IT community hates Apple with the heat of a thousand burning suns. I call them ‘hotrodders’ because they’re the type who like to get under the hood and tinker. They look with disdain at those who just use computers like others use cars.

There’s a lot of power involved too. I once likened the PC world to Catholicism and the Apple one to Protestantism. In the former the priesthood manages your relationship with God. In the latter you have the relationship with God. Priests don’t like being cut out of the loop.