
Sen. Inhofe 'Proud' to Be Anti-Science Climate Change Denier

A Mom Anon3/30/2013 10:37:41 am PDT

He’s proud to be an idiot is he? I guess he’s in good company. Shouldn’t you have to have a basic working knowledge of science and civics(at the very least)before holding elected office? Every time one of these nitwits runs their yap it makes the case for something like that to be done. We really cannot afford this level of stupid anymore.

Anyone who spends any time outdoors at ALL on a regular basis knows there’s been a change in the climate over the last 10-15 yrs. I’m a pretty avid gardener and I can see very noticeable changes. The USDA growing zone map has changed too. I went from being solidly in zone 7 to being right on the edge of zone 8. The birds and pollinator populations have changed as well. But you have to leave your office and your giant SUV and break a sweat to notice.