
Rand Paul Hauls Out the Tired "Sarcasm" Excuse on His Comparison of Gay Marriage to Bestiality

Lidane6/27/2013 10:47:36 am PDT

re: #20 Kragar

In case you missed it, Rick Perry takes being a douchebag to 11

Perry: ‘Unfortunate’ Davis ‘Hasn’t Learned From Her Own Example’ About Being A Teenage Mom

Dear Goodhair,

Fuck you very much.


Wendy Davis set a hell of an example for her kid. Yeah, she was a single mom at 19, living in a trailer home. She’s been open about that. She’s ALSO been open about how she took a chance and went to community college to become a paralegal to give her child a better life. She then got a scholarship to Texas Christian University and then put herself through Harvard Law.

That’s an example to be proud of. Fuck you Perry.