
Overnight Animation: Reaping for Dummies

BigPapa12/12/2013 5:21:14 am PST

This is what Greenwald is worked up about.

The U.S. Government, An Implicated Billionaire, Fortune-Seeking Journalists & A Public in the Dark

The 50,000-pages of documents obtained by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden contain extensive documentation of PayPal Corporation’s partnership and cooperation with the National Security Agency (NSA), according to three NSA veterans. To date, no information has been released as to the extent of the working relationship and cooperation between the two entities- NSA and PayPal Corporation. What’s more, the billionaire owner of PayPal Corporation has entered into a $250 Million business partnership with two journalists-Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, a journalist duo who possess the entire cache of evidence provided by Edward Snowden. Despite earlier pledges by the journalists in question, only one percent (1%) of Snowden’s documents has been released.

I Rec’d this to Charles.