
Russian MP Who Tweeted Racist Image of Obamas Lights Sochi Torch, US Right Wing Applauds

goddamnedfrank2/08/2014 1:50:12 pm PST

re: #9 Dark_Falcon

Assuming the filing has to wait till Monday, What’s the over/under on how long it takes till the first bill is filed in a state legislature aimed at nullifying AG Holder’s order?

There’s nothing to nullify. Holder is only saying the Feds will honor the spousal testimonial and marital confidences privileges in federal prosecutions. He’s also extending to married gays and lesbians the existing marital privileges in federal bankruptcy court and visitation rights in federal prisons.

His ruling is strictly limited to federal powers. He’s done nothing that could possibly be interpreted as infringing on any State’s rights or prerogatives.