
Overnight Jam: Greg Holden, "Save Yourself"

Mattand4/23/2015 10:05:28 pm PDT

Speaking of crazy racist conservatives:

Senate GOP Leaders Endorse Bill To Extend Obamacare Subsidies To 2017

Just so I’m clear: these guys want to fund Obamacare for the next 18-24 months. The same Obamacare they’re hoping the SCOTUS burns to the ground in June.

My takeaway is that they are being absolute cynical pricks and hedging their bets. The GOP knows if their one true god punishes them by granting them their wish, the resulting shitstorm of hundreds of thousands of their constituents losing healthcare will be catastrophic to the party.

Please help me understand this, as trying to think like a conservative politician has just severely damaged the part of my brain that generates my humanity.