
Stephen Colbert Does a Show in His Bathing Suit [VIDEO]

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/17/2020 10:50:38 am PDT

Right-wing media really jumping on the Politifact evaluation of Biden’s claim that the US turned down WHO tests. Politifact rated the claim “mostly false”.

Of course these sites ignore all the times Politifact rated Trump straight up “false”.

In regards to Biden, Politifact points out that there was no explicit offer by the WHO to provide the US kits. But as also noted, the WHO Americas office is set up to help those countries without a virology capability themselves, and since the US has such a capability it is not normal for the WHO to then provide the US with such aid.

I do wish that Biden would have been better briefed. What Biden should have said is that the Trump administration should have asked the WHO in the first place.