
The Main Squeeze - "Hotel California"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷2/19/2021 3:20:05 am PST
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Wednesday presented Poland with historic armour that belonged to Polish 16th century king Zygmunt II August as a young man.

Hungary presents Poland with 16th century royal armour (Radio Poland)

Also in Poland, the government is trying two cases of “offending religion” (blasphemy, max ten year sentence): One of a metal musician who displayed a photograph of Virgin Mary with a shoe on her face, and three women who promoted a Black Madonna with a rainbow halo (the rainbow being the disrespect because Teh Geyh).

I’m glad we got to take our trip to Poland before PiS went off the deep end of enforcement of Christian law (or we’d’ve never made it out alive, particularly of a picture of my wife and me in a church with a shaft of light coming down illuminating us while the rest of the church was dark, as if God shows favour to atheists).