
And Now, an Absolutely Amazing Solo Acoustic Guitar Piece: Mike Dawes, "The Impossible"

Belafon2/19/2022 7:41:58 pm PST

re: #28 A Mom Anon

I have never understood how actual history can freak people the fuck out the way it does. As a kid it never made me “ashamed to be white”, never once. What it did make me feel was sadness that people could enslave other people and be just fine with it. Or kill each other in huge numbers in wars, or just do terrible things to each other in the name of something.I always worried more about what this did to the victims and hoped we could figure out ways to do better, to find ways to eradicate fear and hate. As I got older, I wanted to actually learn more about history. Because I was taught actual American History, even if there were tons of holes in it, but I wasn’t lied to beyond what was obviously purposely omitted. Things were not overly glossed over, my teachers tried to get the classes to understand some pretty horrible shit happened. It was pretty easy to fill in the gaps because of libraries and librarians. I don’t feel bad or guilty for being an old white lady or hate myself for being white. But I do hate that there are always just enough ridiculously white asshole Nazis lying in wait to fuck shit up. I’m sick of this shit. I’m also ramble-y lately.

Because it’s not that they’re ashamed of what happened in the past. They’re afraid people will recognize what they’re going to do in the future.