
Joshua Redman: Tiny Desk Concert

Dr Lizardo2/10/2024 8:56:55 pm PST

So, I wake up early here in Europe and see that not only is Trump openly saying that in his view, NATO is merely a protection racket and that if you don’t pony up, he’s gonna break your kneecaps (or better to say, he’ll let Putin do that), but he’s criticizing Nikki Haley because her hubby is currently deployed overseas.

On the latter point, I’d bet something is about to come out regarding Melenia’s absence. Something that Donny knows will be damaging to him. Maybe she’s divorcing him, maybe she’s returned to Slovenia for an “extended vacation” with her boyfriend, whatever.

He is attacking Haley’s husband’s absence so when this bit of news drops, he can just say it’s fake news, or dismiss it as retaliation for what he’s saying.

As always with Trump, it’s not some 5D chess move…Trump is simply a predictable moron who glaringly projects his own fears and insecurities.