
Video: Judge in Trump's New York Fraud Case Sent Envelope With White Powder

Nerdy Fish2/28/2024 2:46:50 pm PST

re: #20 KGxvi

could be a couple of reasons:

1. there may be votes to reverse outright
2. there may be votes to narrow the ruling without reversing outright
3. there may be votes to go further than the DC Circuit went
4. there may be a feeling that it’s too important to not weigh in on, similar to the Nixon cases in the mid-70s

I suspect it’s probably a combination of all four

Popehat also said that this is a very expedited schedule, for SCOTUS. I know it seems like it’s a corrupt effort by SCOTUS to get him through to the election without explicitly saying they’re trying to get him through to the election, but I have a feeling they’re trying to cross all the i’s and dot all the t’s so as to give him no recourse when they eventually tell him to go fuck himself. Of note is that they bypassed the application for stay and went straight to granting cert; this is likely so that they can go straight to the merits of the argument, or lack thereof.