
Overnight Open Thread

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion8/10/2009 11:48:25 pm PDT

re: #21 MrPaulRevere

I used to listen to him because he was somewhat entertaining and I was tired of the narrative the national media seemed to push. He lost me when he went on a rant one day about how he hated school and college isn’t necessary for success. While that maybe accurate on a micro level, the macro narrative he was pushing was decidedly anti-education.

That is true for a very narrow range of career options. Of that narrow range, jobs that are actually worth a damn, or likely to exist in the future are even smaller. You have to be motivated, risk tolerant, and very “do it yourself” and most people are not.

I heard the same bullshit from a Paulian a few weeks ago. Ranting about how college was a scam and you don’t really need it to make it through life. Since Paulian’s want to put us back in the 1890s industrially and monetary policy wise, I guess it made sense in his warped world view where we all should be working in factories to make “things” or our economy is a joke. This was part of his greater rant about how ALL credit is bad, even student loans and real estate. I wonder where he thinks scientists and engineers are going to come from.