
Evolutionary Adaptations Forced by Climate Change

mfarmer18/14/2009 3:18:56 pm PDT

Wow, maybe this is why we’re finding all of those new species in Borneo and the Himalayas that didn’t even exist a few years ago? Or maybe they’ve been there for awhile and we’re so freaking arrogant that we naturally assumed that they must be new since we hadn’t cataloged them previously.

Laugh all we want at Governor Stabenow “feeling” global warming, that’s about where we are on both sides of this debate. It seems like we have theoretical gobbledygook computer models on one side and subjective gobbledygook on the other.

The polar ice caps did not envelop North America, we all didn’t starve to death when the population hit 5 billion and in fact, we’re fatter than ever and about to hit 7 billion, Amazon is still there and the rain forest version too, acid rain didn’t destroy all the world’s crops, we all didn’t get AIDS by the year 2000, we didn’t run out of oil, not even close, we made it through the Comets Kohoutek and Hale-Bopp shy of some nutjobs in San Diego, Y2K was a dud, and and the freaking world is not going to end in 2012 as stated by the Mayan Calendar designed by people not prophetic enough to even predict their own demise.