
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Killgore Trout10/20/2009 11:07:03 am PDT

This rumor is floating around…
Michelle Obama is afraid of SC

U.S. House Majority Whip James Clyburn, a close political ally of President Barack Obama, said a hostile environment is deterring Mrs. Obama from returning to South Carolina.

“A lot of it has to do with the fact that the climate in South Carolina just is not good, and that’s a shame,” Clyburn told the Charleston Post and Courier. “I do believe it is keeping her away from this state.”

The Post and Courier said Clyburn has received more than 100 invitations for the first lady, but when he brought one of those requests to her staff this summer, he was told her security was an issue. The event was to take place at Clyburn’s alma mater, South Carolina State University in Orangeburg.

Clyburn specifically cited concerns arising over former Richland County GOP Chairman Rusty DePass’ comment in June that an escaped zoo gorilla was not harmful because it was probably one of Mrs. Obama’s ancestors.

It’s possible but I don’t buy it. The Secret Service is pretty good and I’m sure they could have a secure visit if they wanted to.