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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/21/2009 12:37:30 pm PST

Changing topics… has anyone seen Avatar?

Given the theme of the movie:

“Avatar” is not simply a sensational entertainment, although it is that. It’s a technical breakthrough. It has a flat-out Green and anti-war message. It is predestined to launch a cult. It contains such visual detailing that it would reward repeating viewings. It invents a new language, Na’vi, as “Lord of the Rings” did, although mercifully I doubt this one can be spoken by humans, even teenage humans. It creates new movie stars. It is an Event, one of those films you feel you must see to keep up with the conversation.

… I’m surprised that the right-o-sphere is not hyperventilating more over it.

I’m just wondering if I should spend the money to go see it.