
Overnight Open Thread

garhighway3/03/2011 5:08:24 am PST

re: #20 Gus 802

Or here. Let me put it this way. The asshole corporation that now owns the store I’ve been going to for the past 10 years is a Democratic Party contributor and a move and shaker in Denver. Bottom line is that he and his ilk are gentrifying neighborhoods and raising rents. In the long run he will close down that store and replace it with some upscale gentrified set of stores that will only sell overpriced goods to an increasingly upscale metropolitan neighborhood due to increasing rents. And this is common in “liberal” metropolitan locations. You think that’s something to be happy about? So we don’t get Gingrich but instead we get the same old pseudo liberal yuppie bullshit. Pardon me for not giving two shits about this fake alternative of gentrification and a continuing war in Afghanistan.

Morning all.

Gus, I am sorry that you are frustrated, but if you thought BHO was going to stop gentrificiation (in Denver or anywhere), you were doomed to be disappointed. So long as property values can rise or fall (as they must in a free market economy) you will have the effects of those changes translate into land use outcomes. I’m sure it is no fun to be in the middle of all that, but the alternative would be even less pretty.

As for Afghanistan, I’m frustrated about it, too, but I don’t have any better answers for what to do there. I don’t think we can walk away from that place. We know what would happen if we did, and none of it would be good. I agree that this was an avoidable mess, in that the diversion of resources away from Afghanistan to Iraq was a mistake that was obvious at the time, but it is what it is. There’s a job there we have to finish.