
The Most Reactionary GOP Campaign in History

jea623/22/2011 10:01:14 am PDT

Unless something drastic happens, nobody in this brigade of losers is likely to beat Obama next November.

A lot of been-theres and not ready for prime time wannabes, each trying to paint themselves more extreme than the other to please the fringe that controls the GOP primary cycle. Not conducive to win general elections after painting yourself into a right-wing corner, especially after most of them have flip-flopped on issues to placate the right.

Way I see it, 2010 was a blip because of the economy and the public’s anger at the bailouts. Republicans are likely to get spanked in 2012, and maybe even 2016 before they wise up and move back to the center.

The GOP has swung too far to the right to win a national election, even allowing for the Tea Party (already starting to wane, and as the economy recovers their passion will dry up even more).