
Appeals Court OKs Federal Funds for Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Walter L. Newton4/29/2011 2:17:34 pm PDT

re: #21 Slumbering Behemoth

I watch the Jack Van Impe show from time to time, ‘cuz him and his wife are just freaking hilarious. Anyway, according to him there is no such thing as the “End Times” because we live in a “world without end”. At least, that’s what he tells me the bible says.

Tell Mr. Impe that the literal translation is “of the age of the ages.” The word “world” doesn’t even appear in the text. And the passage in Ephesians 3:21 is not even referencing the age of the world, but the ages of the “glory of the church.”

Nothing there about how long the physical earth will or won’t exist.