
Live Video: Festival of the Wingnuts, Sarah Palin Edition

kirkspencer3/16/2013 9:53:00 am PDT

re: #23 CuriousLurker

I’ll never forgive John McCain for snatching this hateful woman from obscurity and giving her a prominent podium from which to inject her venom into a national audience. The current nastiness began with her.

Yes, the whole Southern Strategy & GOP alliance with right-wing Christians started decades ago, but things took an especially ugly turn when Palin came along and started attacking POTUS, and it’s gotten exponentially worse since.

In some ways I agree. In others I’m glad he did. It brought the whole thing to a head, out into the open for everyone to see. I suspect that had it not occurred a lot of ex-Republicans would have voted Republican in the last election, just to name one consequence.

It’s going to be a rough decade. What we are after that will be different from what we were a decade ago, but in the midst of the change it’s hard to say where we’re actually going to end up. The thing is the spotlight on that particular nastiness may actually wind up helping us be better, later.