
Right Wing Journalism Watch: Breitbart "News" Photoshops Nancy Pelosi's Head on Miley Cyrus

Blind Frog Belly White4/07/2014 5:08:46 pm PDT

re: #212 freetoken

Since we’re pimping RawStory articles, this one made my head hurt:

‘Star Trek’ actress lends her gravitas to film promoting idea that sun revolves around Earth

The trailer is from last December, so I’m not sure why it has bubbled up to the top of the stack now.

You know, we don’t pay actors to be smart, or to know anything other than how to do a real good job convincing us they’re somebody else. This is why I can’t get all worked up over a Conservative actor saying something stupid, or a Liberal actor saying something smart.

I imagine Kate Mulgrew has not had a lot of gigs since ‘Voyager’ that paid as much or gave her that kind of exposure. And it’s not like Leonard Nimoy didn’t do cheesy voiceover work…