
Debunking Another Fear-Mongering Right Wing Myth About Ebola: The "42 Day Incubation Period"

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/21/2014 9:10:24 am PDT

re: #298 yoshicastmaster

Right, so is there a myth that’s being debunked?


his explanation feels like there’s not. If republicans want to freak out about unlikely but possible incubation times, then it’s not necessarily accurate to say they have their facts wrong, which is what debunking suggests.

They do have the facts wrong. We have never seen a case of a 42 day Ebola incubation. The drop-off continues after 21, anyway: if the math predicts 3% of cases will be over 21 (which, again, is speculation, unconfirmed), then the number of cases at 42 is going to be somewhere around 0.00006%.

In any common use of the phrase, there isn’t a 42 day incubation period for Ebola.

Also, your explanation, which says that 3% fell outside the 21 day period, contradicts “Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut,” who has said that there have been no observable cases beyond 21 days, and also contradicts the point of this post itself, which is that the 42 day incubation is a myth.

How does this contradict me, exactly?