
Y'All Qaeda Says They're Staying for "Years" - But They Might Need a Little More Food

Nerdy Fish1/04/2016 3:53:29 pm PST

re: #287 BeachDem

Question from a non-Facebooker. Sometimes rage furby’s facebook says Claremont Colleges; other times, Clovis; and I think I’ve seem Los Angeles as well. Does facebook have GPS to determine where things are being posted from?

I haz a confuzed.

Facebook determines your location based on your IP address for desktop/browser logins and based on mobile location services if you’re posting from a phone/tablet. If he’s posting from an actual computer and has a dynamic IP address, his physical location would appear to bounce around depending on where his currently allocated IP address is registered in the GeoIP database. Also, if he switches between posting from his mobile and posting from his laptop, that would explain some of it.