
Mini-Concert: Courtney Barnett Unplugged [VIDEO]

lawhawk1/07/2019 12:01:28 pm PST

It’s a Mueller Monday….

Judge tells lawyers for one of the Russian companies indicted by Mueller, Concord Management and Consulting, to quit the infantile BS and buckle up, because their filings are inadequate and one of the lawyers even suggested he might withdraw from the case over the whole thing:

A stern-faced Friedrich, the newest of President Donald Trump’s three appointees to the district court in Washington, made clear Monday that she was not amused by what she called the “clever quotes.” She also chastised Dubelier for ad hominem attacks on Mueller’s attorneys and other prosecutors in the case.

“I found your recent filings, in particular your reply brief filed Friday, unprofessional, inappropriate and ineffective,” the judge said. She suggested the submissions were an effort to bully her into granting pending defense motions to give the owners and officers of Concord greater access to materials Mueller’s office has turned over to permit the defense to prepare for trial.

When Friedrich beckoned Dubelier to the courtroom lectern to address some more technical issues about the exchange of information, he declined to say anything of substance, declaring instead that the judge’s rebuke was so severe that he might need to withdraw from the case. He also accused Friedrich of bias.

“I need to go and discuss this with my client,” said Dubelier, a former federal prosecutor now with law firm Reed Smith. “There appears to be some bias on the part of the court.”

Some bias? That’s rich. Demanding a minimum standard for briefs and filings isn’t bias. Calling out the lawyers for an amateur hour move was entirely within the judge’s rights.